Rain Puddles

These are the posts that, based on your feedback, are your favorites for various reasons. As you took the time to email me privately and not post your comments publicly, I will keep those reasons just between you and I. Just as rain drops fill a hole, these ones seemed to fill a place in your hearts, so I called the favorites list Rain Puddles.I've given an intro to a few on the list with the links to the full posts below each. To read through the full collection in their entirety, click Your Faves - Rain Puddles

A Letter To My Employed Self

There’s a book by author Joseph Galliano called “Dear Me: A letter to my sixteen-year-old self”. It’s a wonderful compilation of letters written by people to their younger selves.  Some of the writers are famous, some fairly unknown and all are fabulous. If you haven’t read it, you should. If you have, you understand.

If we could go back and do it all again, some of us would do it exactly the same and some of us would write a hasty letter to warn our younger selves to do it all very differently. Likewise, perhaps when you look back at your last job some of you reflect and think, I’d do it exactly the same. But perhaps, some days, or maybe just in some instances, you think there are things you’d do very differently. I do. 



It has begun. We’re moving.  It would be nice to say we’re moving in. But we’re just moving out.

Unemployment paid me a surprise visit a few months ago. At first it was just over-nighting. (Or so I thought). Then it was passing through. Then all of a sudden, it lived here. Food was less, bills were more and my unwelcomed visitor just won’t leave. We tried to work with it. We tried working around it. But unemployment just doesn’t work.
Complete Post - Moving


The End of The Affair

How have you been since your affair has ended?

Does it seem an odd question? It isn’t meant to be. You have a relationship with your work. It is my sincere hope that your work was not your spouse, though for some of us, unfortunately, this might very well have been the case. But if you managed to have and maintain a relationship with another person, your work, was really your other lover.

It’s an intense relationship too, this affair. You set your alarm and wake to be together. And sometimes at night, you can hardly part to sleep. You’re together for an average of 8 hours day, but certainly no less than 4. Sometimes the compulsion is such that you forgo others and forget to eat when together. You recount the times you and work have shared with friends and mediate on what you’ll do the next time you meet.  How many have the privilege of relationships as fervent as this?
Complete Post - The End of the Affair

When I Grow Up
Question: What is your favorite occupation? Answer: Mine.
Marvelous! When have you ever heard that? Sure you’ve heard people say they love their job. I loved mine. But is what you do (when you’re doing it), your favorite occupation?

A few years ago, (give or take), you probably wanted to be a ballerina, or explorer, or inventor, or Batman, when you grew up. 

You grew up. Welcome. But are you what you wanted to be? Is this were you saw yourself in 10 years? 
Complete Post - When I Grow Up

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